Why work with a Somatic Practitioner?


Somatic exploration is easy for our systems since we move intuitively, and we do it to self-soothe and take care of ourselves.

Taking a walk, being in nature, running, stretching and dancing are ways we naturally move our bodies. These things can feel good when we do them on our own and can help us to heal.

Yet, healing at the deeper level happens with a professional to guide you into awareness of what is actually happening in your body when you do these things and how that relates to who you are, your psychological stories, personality and experiences of living in the world.

Because of the nature of trauma, hardships, or challenges we’ve faced in life, we can’t always trust our own thoughts, instincts, and ability to discern our feelings because of old patterning and wounding that might distort or influence them. On our own, we may not notice how to connect beneath our habits and personality to the wisdom in our whole self. There is no one to hold us accountable for staying with the feelings, thoughts and patterns long enough for them to truly be released, completed or integrated in our system. 

A professional can attune and notice what is too much, too soon, when your system might be heading out of its presence and tolerance capacity, when to frustrate and challenge in order to expand the system’s capacity, and when to support, hold space for, witness and mirror. Since many wounds also come from relationships where needs aren’t met or there’s shaming, blaming and misunderstanding without attunement or reconnection, being seen, mirrored and understood by an other is necessary and can be healing in itself.


The mission of Dialogical Persona Healing Arts is the transformation, embodiment and authentic expression of who you are, so you can have more personal power, confidence and trust in yourself and in the world. 

Learn more about my integrative somatic approach to working with clients by booking a FREE exploratory session with me!

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

Kelsay is a Transformative Coach and Somatic-based Expressive Arts Practitioner working along the edges of the mythic self, trauma resolution and compassionate change. If you’re holding back in any area of your life, she offers cutting edge personal empowerment programs and courses through her online business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, where she provides a portal for you to experience a profound journey of self-discovery. Her work focuses on inner healing, wholeness and the embodiment of dialogues between different facets of the self using creative practices like mindfulness, drawing, self-reflective writing, freeform dance and intuitive movement, performance ritual, and found objects to help you change, grow and transform your life for a deeper sense of purpose.


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