Empowerment Programs

I work with people who have become out of touch with who they are. They struggle with putting themself first, knowing their own essence beneath the roles they fulfill for others in their daily life, and some even feel lost amidst disconnected parts of themself and have a desire for inner healing and wholeness.

Having coached many individual clients and small groups on their personal and professional development with a focus on integrating and dialoguing with different personas and layers of who they are, I help people have more personal power, authenticity and connection in the world.

Many people in the mental health, wellness, arts—and at this moment in our culture, most fields—bring a sense of opposition or duality: the body or the mind; the spirit or the shadows; the good or the bad. I honor these different layers of knowing and understanding ourselves as well as bring them together in a complete and holistic way to offer my clients new ways of looking at themselves, their relationships and how they express themselves in their communities and daily life.

If you’re not living life the way you want to be living it, I offer personal empowerment programs and online courses that use cutting edge transformational processes to help you experience more of yourself, so you can have greater ease in all aspects of your life.

Transformative work with me is for you if:

You want extra support in reconnecting to yourself on the physical, emotional, soulful and mental levels.

You’re experiencing a transition in your personal or professional life that feels overwhelming or like too much, too soon.

You would like to feel more solid and resolute with more facets of who you are or gain some clarity and perspective on them.

Leela Davis, Creative Wellness Coach in Bremerton, WA

“Kelsay is a grounded coach who has caught my shine many times to reflect it back to me to my own surprise, revealing to me a picture of myself that I would have difficulty seeing without her lens. She pinpoints the key truths and has helped me further define and strengthen my message through the myriad of tools and processes available through this program—feeling into a question through movement, engaging through the driving passion through drawing, or drilling down beyond the surface response to a niggling question through free-writing and deep inquiry. Having a safe place to be and express one’s dreams and confusions is paramount when starting any monumental project like starting a business. I deeply appreciate the great attention to detail and supportive, grounded and heart-centered accepting presence of Kelsay.”

Rebecca Eckland, Author, Athlete & Soul-based Coach in Reno, NV

“Kelsay helped me reconnect with my body and the story that resides within me. I not only discovered this deeply ingrained need for balance in all aspects of my life, but something unexpected surfaced: this incredible love of dance and movement because of the graceful pivots it allows us. I want so badly to pivot in real life too. But it starts in the soul, mind and body. I can move forward and backward, and I can turn. This helped me to really see that I can own this journey and make it my own.”

Mia Lee, Intuitive Journey Guide

“How many breakthroughs can you have with one coach? Apparently, as many as you can handle. I did the Write, Embody, Heal program with Kelsay and 4 months after our last session, I’m launching my healing arts business. I’d had the intention for some time but didn’t know what I was missing to get started. Working with Kelsay created the foundations I needed to establish around spiritual and energetic sovereignty, self-possession, and other equally powerful realizations. She is a skillful, empathetic coach with an impressive range of knowledge, tools and exercises. I obviously recommend working with her.”

Nancy Guerrera, Artist & Intuitive Guide in Santa Rosa, CA

“Kelsay’s support in our sessions helped me connect more deeply with and clarify my inner vision of what I truly wanted to do with my creative urges and desires. The process was both gentle and bold. I appreciated her deeply kind and skillful presence that guided and affirmed and held space for me as I unraveled and explored. I also came away with a subtle but more indelible feeling of confidence and awareness that these visions can and would be able to come to fruition. My own images and metaphors have stayed with me in ways that still connect me back into that feeling of support and possibility that tips more toward probability than fear. They have been an enduring part of my artistic creative development.”

Fierce You

Express Yourself with Confidence & Power

Do you want to be fully expressed in your fierce love, fierce hope, fierce anger and fierce creativity?

If you hide your wildness, fear your inner power, or in any way are not sharing your most vibrant, strange, unique self in this world, I can help you to be strong in your sense of self.

Now is the time to be boldly, unashamedly, fiercely YOU!

Mirrors of the Soul

Connection, Expression, Reflection

A 3 or 6 month personal empowerment program for the imaginative individual at a time of profound transition in their personal life or career who wants lasting change and is ready for transformation to actually happen.

Staring straight into the mirror of their soul, they want to be seen and recognized for all they have been holding in. They might not be sure of what’s to come next, and the life they want to be living may feel just out of reach, but they’re willing to encounter and confront what is still coming up in the next cycle of life for self-discovery and self-growth.

Write Embody Heal

Embody Your Own Magic

For the innovative and imaginative soul seeker, multi-passionate and multifaceted person who wants more: more knowledge, more fun, more excitement, more passion, more accountability, more creative expression. . .more out of life, Write Embody Heal is a personalized journey for you to dream, unearth and create the life you are envisioning. It’s tailored and customized to meet you where you’re at in the present in 3 or 6 month personal empowerment programs, so you can embody new resources to help you remain grounded, supported and to celebrate living your best life on your own terms! 

Julie Kerr, Writer, Director & Creative Consultant in Oakland, CA

“I feel really good now having completed our work, and I know what God’s calling me to do. Talking about my life in metaphors is powerful and helped me understand my life better. It’s an easier way to deal with the stuff I have to deal with. What I like is that it’s staying in the present and looking to the future.”

Jackie Moy, Spatial Story Designer and Founder of Fantasy Funerals in Oakland, CA

“I had a real breakthrough after our session today. I had an informational interview that made me realize something I don’t want to do. I feel a renewed commitment and focus to my life’s work and feel like its path is fully revealed to me. The filter that was holding me back is gone!!!! Maybe not forever. But I feel so much more comfortable. Thank you so much for the change you have brought to my life.”

Minea Lindqvist, Coach, Consultant & Creative at Minea Herwitz Studio in Oakland, CA

“Kelsay embodies what she teaches. I highly recommend her as a coach and general supporter of a full life!”

Victoria von Gorski, Psychic Coach at Artemis Spiritual Advisor in San Anselmo, CA

“What a gift Kelsay is! Warm, compassionate and honest in her journey that allows you to be safe in yours. She is constantly learning to improve herself and brings all of this to her clients.”

Meet Your Coach

Kelsay Elizabeth Myers


Photo Credit: Stephanie Mohan of Creative Portraiture, March 2024

I stand for authentic connection, beauty, and the desire to be boldly and unashamedly human. I am here on this life path to embody myself, to truly accept what arises within me and to serve as a guide to bring others into their own full creative expressions. I teach my clients and students how to embody their own resources for more confidence, clarity, trust and intimacy with themselves, in their relationships, and in their ability to share their own humanness with the world.

There are two things my clients will often hear me say in their sessions. The first is: “what are you passionate about?” or “and is __ something you’re passionate about?” The second is that they’re doing “the work” because they are. It is hard work to look at yourself, humanity, and the world and create something real, vulnerable, true and whole from all of the fractured pieces and wreckage. It can seem easy when looking in from the outside, but it is not for the faint of heart. I know from my own experiences that it is also possible to do this courageous work, and it is what I’m most passionate about. I am passionate about trauma integration and restoring connection to our inner knowing using art, writing, dance, movement, performance ritual, and self-inquiry.

I have 12+ years worth of experience teaching, researching, and collaborating in integrative somatic trauma therapy modalities; ways of understanding the self and what makes a meaningful life; and using the arts for transformative healing. My history with trauma at the karmic level, as a Korean adoptee surrendered at birth, and as a woman who has come home to her own wholeness adds compassion and breath to the commitment I make in working for your best interests.

If this appeals to you, or you’d like to know more about how embodied healing arts can help you on your own journey, let’s talk. I offer FREE Express Yourself Wellness sessions to learn more about what’s happening for you.


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