Upcoming Classes, Workshops & Events


Rebecca Eckland, Author, Athlete & Soul-based Coach in Reno, NV

“Kelsay helped me reconnect with my body and the story that resides within me. I not only discovered this deeply ingrained need for balance in all aspects of my life, but something unexpected surfaced: this incredible love of dance and movement because of the graceful pivots it allows us. I want so badly to pivot in real life too. But it starts in the soul, mind and body. I can move forward and backward, and I can turn. This workshop helped me to really see that I can own this journey and make it my own.”

Christina Gerber, Intuitive Healer at Crystalline Channel in Marin County, California

Kelsay puts her heart into her work and is committed to co-creating dynamic change for her clients, allowing them to embody their most brilliant selves. She has such subtle exploratory beauty and divine inspiration!”

Please sign up for my monthly newsletter to find out first about any new offerings, special promotions & events!

Natalie Cutler-Welsh, Founder/Wellness Advocate/Impact & Visibility Coach at Up Your Brave & Amplify Your Impact

“Thank you—loved your gentle manner of teaching. I’ve been drawn to anything somatic lately as I’m wanting to connect to my body more. Excited to connect to and call in my true gifts in 2024.”

Lisa Jara, Menstrual & Menopausal Health Specialist and Soul-based Coach for sacred rebels

Such a gentle and profound inner exploration, thanks Kelsay Elizabeth Myers for this beautiful offering!”


Past Classes, Workshops & Events


August 28

I was so excited to celebrate being one of Marin Living’s Visionaries on a sunset cruise around Tiburon and Angel Island. It was a beautiful way to celebrate the end of summer, being outdoors and how to live our best life with mythic self symbols like my snow leopard power emblem I wore on the ship.

Dialogical Persona is a sacred space I often consider a portal because I allow each client to enter an alternate world and become a mythic version of themselves. Often, it is the first time they are allowed to be any and all things they choose.

I consider it visionary because I give them a place to try on all of these aspects with me as a witness, guide and mirror for their highest visions, and both of us become visionaries through the embodiment of these dialogues. In focusing on inner healing and personal wellness using the mythic self, I help my clients to actually become their future visions in the present.

And thanks to Marin Living this past week, I also get to experience these things for myself as well!

I’m pictured here with my friends (left) Bara Sapir, CEO and Founder of MindFlow Speed Reading and City Test Prep, and (right) Eveline Wu, a mind body psychotherapist.

August 14

What a fabulous night at the Pacific Sun “Best of Marin 2024” Ceremony at Marin Art & Garden Center. I got a chance to wear my new mini-sequined bowler hat gift out on the town, and it’s a small emblem of how I express myself and my work in dialogical persona. And check out the full party photos article here!

May 24-26

I will be presenting my dissertation work “Deconstructing the Bowler Hat: Life as an Object Lesson in Dialogical Persona” at the Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society at Hanyang University in Seoul, South Korea! My poster session is part of the 2024 Special Focus—Art for Sustenance. You can view my slides here.

Founded in 2000, the Arts in Society Research Network offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement, examination, and experimentation, developing ideas that connect the arts to their contexts in the world.

The Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society calls for research addressing the following annual themes and special focus: Art for Sustenance; Pedagogies of the Arts; Arts Histories and Theories; New Media, Technology, and the Arts; and the Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life. The Arts in Society Research Network also supports a book imprint and a collection of journals.  

May 13-18

I’ll be holding a workshop called Fierce Shapes of Abundance on May 17 on Zoom as part of Dr. Amba Tobin’s Self-Care for Self-Love Six Day Festival! It will be a transformative event focused on abundance and self-worth.

This six-day festival features a diverse lineup of amazing speakers including:

  • Emergence Mentor, Aimee Lyndon-Adams

  • Somatic Therapist, Janis McKinstary

  • Somatic Expressive Arts Coach, Kelsay Elizabeth Myers

  • Manifesting Coach & Somatic Therapist, Danielle Marggraf

  • Manifesting Mentor, Carmelle Riley

  • Hypnotherapist & Life Coach, Michelle Walters

  • Life Mentor, Sherri Danzig

  • Money Mastery Coach, Chris Dyer

  • Inspirational Toastmaster Winner, Jeannette Gaiter

  • Soul & Consciousness Spiritual Guide, Renee Blodgett

  • Medical Qigong Healer & Clairvoyant, Dr. Amba Tobin

  • Spiritual Teacher, Mystic JRose

  • Certified Health & Life Coach, Fran Lambert

  • Yoga Therapist & Teacher, Priyanka Varma

  • Art Therapist & Coach, Myriam Martinez

These experts will guide participants in connecting the dots between spiritual growth, personal development, purpose, alignment with prosperity and value in all aspects of life.

ATTEND MY SEGMENT FOR FREE WITH THIS ZOOM REGISTRATION LINK — Don’t forget to specify you want to attend Kelsay Myers’s workshop

To register for other Zoom sessions, which are mandatory for all attendees, click here!

May 9

On Thursday evening from 5:30 - 7:30 PM, I had some lively conversations and networking opportunities amidst the spectacular views from Dita’s restaurant in Sausalito as part of Marin Living Magazine’s celebration of the most influential local women and women-owned businesses.

May’s Groundbreaking Women gathering featured many outstanding women who have proven to be a groundbreaking force in their industries. They surpass boundaries and provide dynamic services, products and community connection that sets them apart in their fields.

As founder of Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, I was honored to be featured among such a fabulous group of women.

I’m pictured here with artist and therapeutic art journaling expert, Margie Woods and Marin Living staff writer, Caitlin Hamer!

April 30

Join me Tuesday evening from 6-8 PM at the Groundfloor Club San Rafael for an initial meeting to determine interest and set intentions for an ongoing women’s group. Light snacks and refreshments will be available.

Come prepared for a fun and easeful exploration of what kinds of support you would like to see from the group. We’ll begin with a brief meditation, then go into an exercise on how to hold space for each other, introductions for each member to share about themselves and why they’re coming, a clean set-up for the discussion of how we’d like to see our group unfold, and close with a fun embodied exercise!

April 24

One day. . .One focus. . .9 guest facilitators. . .&. . .The medicine of the Rose. . . 

You are invited to the Rose of Silence Retreat!  

This is a day to claim some solitude. For at least a day, step away from all the tasks, caregiving, productivity, and anything else which draws you away from yourself and join Rose of Silence Retreat: Returning to Our Inner Sanctuary as Refuge from a World of Overwhelm. We begin at 9:30 AM CST and will wrap up before 5 PM.

This online retreat is intended to offer a flavor of contemplative practice to slow down, get curious and ease back into ourselves in a way that feels nourishing, not daunting. Together, we are coming back into resonance with the pulse and frequency of the heart of the Rose, which is pure love. 

You’ll be invited to explore these practices to support your inner journey to silence: Holy Listening, Mindful Awareness, Sanctification of the Body Temple, Anointing, Self Love, Sound Alchemy, Sacred Space, Rose Medicine. . .and more.

Save the date if you’d like to come experience Intentional Distractions: Bringing the Sacred Into Your Everyday Life with me at 2 PM CST.

And don’t forget, it’s free to attend!

April 13

Join me for a day of self care, relaxation and rejuvenation with The Holistic Health Saloon at The Finnish Hall in Berkeley any time between 12 - 10 PM!

The Holistic Health Saloon is curated with an intention for you to deepen into your journey. We invite you to enjoy yourself, try new holistic health modalities, connect with local practitioners, explore beautiful artists and meet like-minded people. We hope you leave this gathering feeling embodied, relaxed and inspired.

There will be natural wellness practitioners offering mini sessions and workshops in modalities such as massage, bodywork, acupuncture, reiki, coaching, tarot, personal growth, sound healing, neuromuscular therapy, and much more. If you want a free 60 minute session with me, stop by my table and sign up for some Fierce You Coaching to help you find more confidence & power in your life!

A beautiful local artisan craft fair + tea and delicious, healthy food served all day long. We end the evening with a beautiful sound healing concert, followed by a soulful dance party. See the full schedule for the day here!

And don’t forget to use my special discount code: KelsayMagic to save $5!

March 6

On Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 7:30 PM, I had some lively conversations and networking opportunities at Lucid Studio Corte Madera to honor featured Trendsetters who break the mold and lead the way forward in Marin and the Bay Area. 

As we embrace 2024, Marin Living Magazine and friends celebrate what makes you and your business special, how you color outside the lines and how you plan to lead the way in making this year truly special.

Dialogical Persona Healing Arts is featured in the Community Minded section of the Trendsetters issue for my work on the Networking Entrepreneurial Women of Marin’s leadership team. I got to bring a couple NEWofMarin friends with me to enjoy the night!

Check out the incredible work of Danielle Hougard, a Sensuality Coach, and Suzanna Gratz, a branding, website & promotional expert!

March 1

Please join me on Friday March 1 from 12:00-2:00 PM PST for Confidence, Community & Courage in Arts-based Research: A panel discussion of what goes into arts-based research and how to thrive.

What does arts-based research look like at California Institute of Integral Studies? What are the challenges we face when we embark on arts-based research? How do we maintain the confidence to realize the vision for our dissertations? Join four current students engaging in arts in research in a discussion of their process and acknowledgment of the challenges of arts-based research. Moderated by Carolyn Cooke, Professor and Faculty Council Chair for Department of Interdisciplinary Arts and Writing (MFA). Presented by student group Arts in Research with Ph.D. students Leslie Grasa, Kelsay Myers, Emily Wolahan, and Elise Youssoufian.

Online: https://ciis.zoom.us/j/98744754650

January 8

Love is the ultimate connector. . .

Meet Kelsay Myers and be part of the conversation as we learn more about her response for her I Love You and I Love Me.

We have created a movement to expand the meaning of this word LOVE. We are diving beyond the surface and talking about LOVE of self and others being a person, place or thing.

Love is something that we all crave, and it shows up in many different ways in our lives.

Our collaborative book, I Love You Because/ I Love Me Because is launching on 1/11/24. It is an interactive coffee style book with photography, video, audio and the written word.

Join us for a chat with love!

I presented an interactive workshop called Becoming Essence: Manifesting Through Your Own Unique Expression on New Year’s Eve, December 31st @ 12-12:20 PM PDT.

You can watch it right here!

December 21 - January 1

Join me this Winter Solstice through New Year’s Day for the Feminine Frequency Festival, a 100% free global celebration for women leaders and light healers.

This annual festival is dedicated to sharing free wisdom, inspiration, and resources. It will be a joyful and sacred CELEBRATION of women’s wisdom where you will:

​​✦ Have a ton of Fun

​✦ Let your “Woo” out

​✦ Be part of a global community of 8,000+ women with whom you can share your Magic and Majesty

​✦ Receive activations, rituals, performances, sound healings, tutorials, spoken words, oracle readings, channeled messages, energy healings, workshops and ANY wisdom designed to soothe, inspire and nourish the sacred feminine soul. . .


​✦ Check out the schedule for each day of the festival right here!